America, America
Stop pointing your crooked little finger East
Your veil has been lifted
Democracy decays rancid
as an oil-drenched whale carcass
as slaughter houses the size of stadiums
as poisoned waters of Flint, Louisiana, Animus River
Turbulent, red, rapid is the flood
Our own massacred children
committed by hands
that share our American blood
Yes, we bred our own terrorists
with burgers & fries and
a fake news, one-sided history shake
we bred them on concrete and walmart
buy-yourself happiness, talk to a machine
capitalism; we made a profit
No wall, no ban can keep us safe
from ourselves
America — You’ve desecrated one too many burial sites
of those you have forsaken
Halliburtons and EADS
chant war, war, war
we’ve seen it all before
Oh, yes we bred our own terrorists
But, We The People
remember our history
continue to take in the destitute
create sanctuary, protect the sacred, honor our Mother Earth
we pass the torch
because we haven’t forgotten
why a broken chain rests at Lady Liberty’s feet